St.Mary's Province Manthavady conducts various programmes for the integral development of sisters . Such as :
First and foremost the duty of a superior is to lead the sisters to prayerful life through spiritual animation. In order to help them to do their service effectively, Province conducts courses once in three months. It enables them to understand their own strengths and weaknesses, to improve self acceptance and maintain healthy interpersonal relationships. This course includes seminars, classes, discussions and evaluations.
The scripture says"Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity!".In the beginning batch gatherings were conducted on batch level. Since the past 12 years, it is done age wise
We conduct super seniors course to help them to tackle their problems of ageing, to get an opportunity to share their life experiences to each other and to lead a peaceful life. This programme includes classes ,discussions, sacrament of reconciliation, Holy Mass, documentation on life of saints and outings etc.
St.Mary's Province organizes gatherings for senior and young senior sisters. It helps them to nourish spiritual, mental and social spheres of their lives. Experienced personalities from different fields take classes on various subjects. This course also includes adoration, Holy Mass, planned recreation, picnic etc.
Formation is an ongoing process .So every three months juniors gather together in Provincial house or in any other convents with their mistress. This course aims to deepen faith and to facilitate vowed life and also to get opportunities to share their experiences with batch mates and mistress. It includes sacrament of reconciliation, Holy Mass, adoration spiritual guidance etc.
Annual retreat and monthly recollections are effective means for the renewal of our religious life. Province conducts six days programmes for sisters. This retreat includes classes, meditation, sacrament of reconciliation etc. It is a chance for sisters to revive their consecration to our Lord and helps to become effective servants to bring the joyful love of God and message of salvation to all men.
Family is the basic unit of the church .Safeguarding the sanctity and integrity of the family, which is the miniature church , is our topmost priority. So Home mission is a courageous step in the field of family apostolate. Members of the team gather once in a month and spend time in prayer and fasting. After class and spiritual directions the team accept suggestions and corrections from superiors. Then they decide about the future programmes . This gatherings increase fraternity among members, improve prayer life of the sisters as well as the family renewal .
Course for Teachers.
"Lack of education is as serious as lack of food. An illiterate person is really one who starves in spirit". Sisters working in field of education should have faith vision, much kindness and they should be properly trained .So Provincial department conducts various programmes according to the need. They are follows.
-Discussions on developments, modern trends, problems and requirements etc.